Breast augmentation, also known as breast implants or mammoplasty, is one of the most popular procedures at SK Plastic Surgery in Los Angeles / Beverly Hills.
The patient, a 38 year old female, underwent bilateral breast augmentation with 385cc silicone implants via a periareolar incision. Postoperative photos were taken three and half months after surgery.
This patient underwent a periareolar breast augmentation with a 350 cc high profile cohesive gel silicone breast implants placed under the muscle. Postoperative photos were taken two months after surgery.
The patient is a 27 year old female. She underwent bilateral breast augmentation with 325cc high profile cohesive gel silicone implants placed under the muscle via a periareolar incision. Preoperative cup size A, postoperative cup size C. Postoperative photos were taken twelve months after surgery.
The patient is a 24 year old female. She underwent breast augmentation with 265 cc moderate plus profile cohesive gel silicone implants. Post operative photos were taken five months after surgery.
This patient underwent bilateral breast augmentation via periareolar incision with 286cc moderate plus profile silicone implants. Postoperative photos were taken two months after surgery.
The patient is a 26 year old female who desired fuller breasts. She underwent bilateral breast augmentation with 371cc moderate plus profile cohesive gel silicone implants placed under the muscle via a periareolar incision. Preoperative cup size A, postoperative cup size small D. Postoperative photos were taken four month after surgery.
The patient is a 34 year old female. She underwent bilateral breast augmentation with 421cc moderate plus profile cohesive gel silicone implants placed under the muscle via a periareolar incision. She went from a preoperative cup size B to a postoperative cup size full D. Postoperative photos were taken eight months after surgery.
The patient underwent bilateral breast augmentation with 300cc high profile silicone implants via a periareolar incision. She went from a preoperative cup size A to a small size C cup. Postoperative photos were taken six months after surgery.
This patient underwent bilateral breast augmentation via a periareolar incision with 286cc moderate plus profile silicone implants. Postoperative photos were taken two months after surgery.
This patient underwent an inframammary breast augmentation with a 339 cc moderate plus profile cohesive gel silicone implants placed under the muscle. Postoperative photos were taken six months after surgery.
This patient underwent bilateral breast augmentation via periareolar incision with 325cc high profile cohesive gel silicone implants. Postoperative photos were taken five weeks after surgery.
This patient underwent bilateral breast augmentation via a periareolar incision with 286cc moderate plus profile silicone implants. Postoperative photos were taken three months after surgery.