Face Lift

Before & After Photo Gallery

Dr. Steve Kim is a globally recognized plastic surgeon renowned for his expertise in facial rejuvenation. With a reputation for delivering natural-looking results, he is a sought-after choice among celebrities and discerning individuals seeking transformative facelifts.

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Before and After Face Lift - SK Plastic Surgery

Face and Neck Lift + Upper Blephoraplasty- Case Study 1

Our celebrity patient, former E! News host Catt Sadler, recently underwent a face lift, neck lift, and upper blepharoplasty. She's candidly sharing her plastic surgery experience on Glamour Magazine, her podcast, and social media. After photos taken one year post surgery.

 Before & After Photo Gallery

Face andNeck Lift + Upper and Lower Blephoraplasty + Fat Grafting- Case Study 2

Truly stunning results! 60 is the new 40! This patient underwent a comprehensive rejuvenation with a deep plane face and neck lift, upper and lower blepharoplasty, and fat grafting to the cheekbones (zygoma). After photos taken threemonths post surgery.

 Before & After Photo Gallery

Face Lift - Case Study 3

Our lovely patient is thrilled with her deep plane facelift results! Even after a previous neck lift five years ago, she sought a more comprehensive and natural rejuvenation, and we're delighted to have achieved her goals. After photos taken just three weeks post surgery.

 Before & After Photo Gallery

Face and Neck Lift + Upper Blephoraplasty - Case Study 4

Feeling that their outward appearance no longer reflected their inner vitality, this patient elected to undergo a deep plane face and neck lift, along with upper eyelid blepharoplasty. The goal was to achieve a natural-looking rejuvenation and to regain a sense of youthful confidence. After photos taken nine months post surgery.

 Before & After Photo Gallery

Face and Neck Lift + Upper Blepharoplasty + Chin Augmentation- Case Study 5

The patient underwent a deep plane face and neck lift, upper blepharoplasty, and chin augmentation to achieve a more balanced facial profile. Postoperative photographs were taken five months post surgery.

 Before & After Photo Gallery

Face and Neck Lift + Lower Blephoraplasty + Fat Grafting- Case Study 6

This 69-year-old patient underwent a deep plane face and neck lift, revision lower blepharoplasty, and fat grafting.  The patient's face and neck exhibit significantly reduced sagging and wrinkles, with a more defined jawline and smoother skin texture. The revision eyelid surgery has resulted in brighter, more youthful-looking eyes, and the fat grafting has restored volume to areas that had lost fullness, creating a more balanced and youthful facial contour. After photos taken eight months post surgery.

 Before & After Photo Gallery

Face and Neck Lift + Rhinoplasty + Fat Grafting- Case Study 7

This patient achieved a comprehensive rejuvenation through a deep plane face and neck lift, rhinoplasty, and fat grafting to the temples, forehead, nasolabial folds, and nasojugal lines. The procedures sculpted her lower face, restored volume, and created a more proportionate nose, resulting in a beautifully youthful and balanced result. After photos taken just four moths post surgery.

Before and After Face Lift - SK Plastic Surgery

Face and Neck Lift + Fat Grafting + Lip Lift - Case Study 8

Our patient, known for her viral #golisdream TikTok fruit roll-up and ice cream creation, is thrilled with her results. This unfiltered, flash-free photo was taken eight weeks post-surgery, two months after her deep plane face and neck lift with fat grafting to the lower eye for dark circles and bags, and a recent lip lift.

Before and After Face Lift - SK Plastic Surgery

Face and Neck Lift - Case Study 9

This 51-year-old patient is thrilled with her face and neck lift results. The procedure has dramatically redefined her jawline and smoothed her neck, creating a more youthful and contoured appearance. After photos taken five months post surgery.

Before and After Face Lift - SK Plastic Surgery

Face and Neck Lift + Upper Blepharoplasty - Case Study 10

Seeking a refreshed appearance, this gentleman addressed his tired look and heavy jawline/neck through upper eyelid surgery and a face/neck lift. Post-procedure, he's delighted with his more alert eyes and significantly improved, yet natural-looking profile. After photos taken five months post surgery.

Before and After Face Lift - SK Plastic Surgery

Face and Neck Lift - Case Study 11

Our beautiful patient is glowing after her deep plane facelift! This patient's deep plane face and neck lift resulted in a significant rejuvenation, presenting a natural appearance that conceals her age. After photos taken three months post surgery.

Before and After Face Lift - SK Plastic Surgery

Face and Neck Lift - Case Study 12

After a face and necklift, this very happy patient achieved a naturally youthful look, effectively reversing signs of aging. These six-month postoperative photographs demonstrate the patient's ecstatic results.


Before & After Galleries

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Nose Surgery

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Eyelid Surgery

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Tummy Tuck

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Body Lift

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Breast Revision

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Breast Lift

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Breast Augmentation

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