The eyes are the windows to the soul. Refresh and rejuvenate your look.
This patient underwent incisional blepharoplasty. Excess skin and fat were removed. Postoperative photograph was taken five months after surgery.
This patient underwent both upper and lower eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty). The fat was removed from her lower eyelids via an incision inside the lid. There are no scars on the outside of the lower lids. This transconjunctival approach is great for patients that have lower lid bulges without excess lower lid skin. Postoperative photos taken one month after surgery.
This patient underwent lower lid blepharoplasty (transconjunctival approach), no incision on skin. Excess fat was removed from her lower lids using incision inside the lid. This transconjunctival approach is great for patients that do not have excess skin of lower lids. Please note marked improvement in the lower lid contour. Postoperative photos were taken six days after surgery.
This patient underwent suture only blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) to create a double fold. The photos are 6 weeks after surgery.
This patient had history of upper lid blepharoplasty in the past with marked asymmetry of her folds. She underwent revision surgery to improve symmetry of her upper lids. Postoperative photos were taken five month after surgery.
This patient underwent suture only (non-incisional) blepharoplasty and medial epicanthoplasty (to open the inner corners of her eyes). Postoperative photos were taken five month after surgery.
This patient underwent a suture blepharoplasty (non-incisional method) to correct her upper eyelid fold asymmetry. The upper eyelid of the right eye was operated on to match the natural crease height and shape of the left eye. The postoperative photo, taken two months after the procedure, shows a balanced symmetry that is natural-looking.
This patient underwent a suture blepharoplasty (non-incisional method) to correct her upper eyelid fold asymmetry. Only the patient's right eyelid was operated on to match the natural crease height and shape of her left eye. Her postoperative photo shows improved symmetry that is natural-looking.
42 year old female patient underwent lower eyelid surgery to correct her eyebags. An incision was made just under the lower eyelashes, fat removed, and skin tightened. Postoperatively, her scar is minimal and barely visible.
Patient underwent upper blepharoplasty via incisional approach. Lower blepharoplasty via transconjunctival approach ( no incision or scar on lower lid skin).
This patient underwent nonincisional, suture only double eyelid surgery. Postoperative photos were taken three months after surgery.
This patient underwent nonincisional, suture only double eyelid surgery. Postoperative photos were taken two months after surgery.