Because breast implants are not meant to last forever, we often see women come in roughly ten years after their initial breast augmentation for a revision procedure.
The patient, a 26 year old female with history of previous breast augmentation with asymmetry and rippling, underwent breast revision with implant pocket adjustment. Post operative photos were taken one month after surgery.
Patient has history of bilateral transumbilical breast augmentation (through bellybutton) by another surgeon. Patient has right breast capsular contracture (scar encapsulated) and misshapen implant pocket on the left. Patient underwent right capsulectomy (removal of capsule) and left implant pocket revision (tightening and lifting of the implant pocket).
This patient has had breast augmentation with saline implants through the axilla (armpits) from another surgeon. Her first surgery was complicated by bilateral infections requiring a second operation to remove and replace her implants by another surgeon. She was unhappy with the shape of the implants after these two surgeries. Preoperatively, her old implants were positioned too superiorly. This patient underwent removal of bilateral saline implants and placement of bilateral silicone implants under the muscle and capsulorraphy (reshaping of the implant pocket).
Patient had bilateral breast implant lateral displacement. She was noted to lack upper pole fullness from her previous agumentation. Patient underwent breast revision surgery. Her implants were removed, new implants placed and pocket revision performed.